LaStaa is an enigmatic and talented Norwegian street artist who has significantly impacted the street art genre. Operating under an unknown identity, LaStaa's artistic journey began in 2009 with the...
LaStaa is an enigmatic and talented Norwegian street artist who has significantly impacted the street art genre. Operating under an unknown identity, LaStaa's artistic journey began in 2009 with the...
Atle Østrem
Atle Østrem, is an artist from Stavanger, Norway. He now lives and works in Oslo. Østrem’s work often explores the crossing point where beauty meets ugly, combining the best of both...
Atle Østrem
Atle Østrem, is an artist from Stavanger, Norway. He now lives and works in Oslo. Østrem’s work often explores the crossing point where beauty meets ugly, combining the best of both...
Having started his artistic journey in 1984, VLEK has been actively involved in the street art movement for several decades. His extensive experience and deep understanding of the medium have...
Having started his artistic journey in 1984, VLEK has been actively involved in the street art movement for several decades. His extensive experience and deep understanding of the medium have...
Kim A. Larsen, commonly known as SinnSykShit, is an Oslo-based urban artist who creates imaginary cityscapes that take us to an alternate reality that still feels very close to home.
Kim A. Larsen, commonly known as SinnSykShit, is an Oslo-based urban artist who creates imaginary cityscapes that take us to an alternate reality that still feels very close to home.
AFK is an anonymous street artist from Norway. He is known for his large murals and classic monochrome stencils, often with just a touch of pink colour and laced with...
AFK is an anonymous street artist from Norway. He is known for his large murals and classic monochrome stencils, often with just a touch of pink colour and laced with...