Collection: ShyGirl

Shy Girl is from Bergen and has been involved in various art forms for a long time but never quite found her place... that is, until she tried street art. This more urban art form that you can create out on the streets, for people to see as they walk by. This art that the locals don’t need to seek out by entering a gallery but that naturally seeks them out.

Shy Girl has sprayed walls in Bergen and the surrounding areas, including Apaltun, Åsane, Minde, and she has a piece sprayed right in the middle of the color street in Stavanger.
She also has several works in Bergen city center, and you can still see some of them in the underground bus station, in Marken, at Torganmenningen, and by the wall at the entrance to Klostergarasjen.

Shy Girl is a self-declared artist who began in 2022 and has had exhibitions in Bergen and Stavanger. As you might guess from the name, she is an anonymous street artist. For her, it is crucial that the art itself is the focus, not the artist. She doesn’t like to reveal too much about the message in her works, as she believes the viewer should create their own story and that there shouldn't be a definitive answer.

The title of the artwork often provides a hint of the story the artist had in mind while creating it, leaving the viewer to imagine the rest.

What Shy Girl wants to convey through her art are emotions to the recipient. She especially focuses on the expressions and mood of the people in her paintings.

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